
How can I hide my second piercing in my ear?

by  |  earlier

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I have my ears pierced. So I pierced my left side. It's a little above the regular lobe piercing. I don't know what you call it haha.

but its on the lobe. and my parents cant find out. and i dont want it to close up so how do i hide it for doctors appointments?

since they check your ears. i tried putting consealer and powder makeup on it and it didnt really help.

and i have to move my hair out of the way soo yeah.

be creative!!!

and help! :D




  1. If you have to work so hard to hide it from your parents then you obviously shouldn't have in the first place.

  2. Why would you pierce your ear if you knew your parents wouldn't approve? Don't you respect your parents?? Obviously not! Parents are smarter than you think and they will find out about the extra hole in your ear eventually, you might as well come clean and tell them. Just be honest and from now on listen to your parents!

  3. You are ask your parents to leave the room for your check up...

    It's normal, and your mom wont suspect a thing.

    When the doctor checks your ear, he/she won't even take a second look at your pierced ear UNLESS it's infected...

    So unless it's infected, don't worry about the doc telling your mom (who is not g*y by the way...i was the same way)

    Make sure you rub your piercing with alcohol every night for 4-6 weeks...It opens it up and kills bacteria.

    When the hole heals and will no longer close, but on an earring when you get to school...

    I hope that helped! =)

  4. I would actually just buy a clear ring for it.

    They have 'em at Claires! !  : )

  5. you can't really hide it though. If you put your hair up, they will see it. You have to keep the piercing in for a month or so anyways so your ear will heal. There is no way to hide it. You have to tell them sometime.

  6. omg i cant believe your parents wont let you have a second ear peirce no affence but your parents are g*y

  7. Wear earphones for a while.

  8. Well i think you should just tell your parents.. I mean like you cant really hide it from them for ever sooner or later they will find out you got it pierced.. I have a question if you knew your parents would not approve of it then why did you get it?? But you should just tell them.. Even if they get mad you need to tell them..

    Sorry this is a little mean but i am just speaking the truth.. You have to tell them..

  9. why does it matter so much so what you have a second hole  how old are you?

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