
How can I highlight a line in MS Word fully, from left side of page all the way to the right side?

by  |  earlier

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I am writing an essay, and I need to organize my similar ideas using colors. I want to make not only the words highlighted, but the full line. What are some tricks to achieve this?




  1. Try using Borders & Shading from the Format menu.

    I'm using Word 2000...

  2. Here is a trick for you then

    Just click in the line (no need to select anything)

    Choose Format>Borders and Shading>Shading>choose colour>OK

    Then click in the next line you want highlighting

    Press F4 key

    to repeat that last command and the line is highlighted without having to go through the menu again.

    Warning (Do not do anything else after your command to make the border before you press the F4).

  3. well its simple as 123...right click on the  menu  bar  (thats the bar where title,tools window, table appears) and have "formatting" checked..then look for the icon of a marker with letters ab- thats the highlighter. if it does not appear click on the drop down arrow then add buttons...formatting and look for the highlight

    you can choose your desired highlighter color. to highlight the entire line.left click on highlighter then  just hold and drag icon  like as you highlight a word with a cursor.

    with this you can choose to highlight only the words or line of sentence in a paragraph that needs highlighting not the entire paragraph.

    this works with ms 2003-2007


  4. One way is to click at the beginning of the line (whatever you wish to highlight), then, while holding down the SHIFT key, click at the end of the line or text to be highlighted.  (I use this technique especially when I want to copy & paste a long article or such; it beats holding down the mouse button & scrolling through a bunch of pages.  I click at the top, then, using the slider on the right side of the window, I move to the end of the document & click again while holding down the SHIFT key; the whole document is highlighted...much faster.)

    Also, if you want to highlight 1 sentence at a time, just hold down the CTRL key & click anywhere in the sentence.

    You may also have noticed under "File", on the right side of the drop-down menu, there is Ctrl+O, Ctrl+S, etc.  These are shortcuts to do the actions on the left, ie, Ctrl+S lets you save the document.  Explore "Edit" & the others for similar options.  They save you time.  Hope this helps.

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