
How can I home treat a child who bit his lower lip that created a moderate wound to it?

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We went to the dentist and had him for tooth for extraction due to the lump in the gums. Dentist applied aneasthesia which caused numbness to his lips. After the successful operation, we went straight home and since he doesn't feel anything in his lips, he accidentally bit it causing a moderate cut in his lower lips. Bleeding was controlled. Right now, I am just worried that his lower lips has white wound on the area that he bit. It has been 3 days already. Is there any ointment to fast heal this wound? Any home care solution for this?




  1. If the wound is inside the mouth, then because the mouth is a very vascular part of the body, it will heal quite well naturally, and will be kept clean naturally with saliva.

    An option to sooth any  pain could be to use bonjela, this has healing properties and a slight analgestia effect.

    On the exterior of the mouth same applies but area needs to be kept clean and dry.

    Diane x*x

  2. The only thin I can add to the other comments is that he might avoid drinks if it is sore.  However, he needs to drink plenty to keep the saliva rate high.

    A little toothpaste left near the wound can help ease the pain and make him feel something is happening. [If he is old enough to be bothered]

  3. Agree with all answers but i would apply ointment when child is asleep to speed up healing

  4. It will heal on it's own within a few days but it will be sore while it is healing. It is in a very sterile place so there is no foreseeable problem.

  5. Agree with previous posts - salt water has worked for me.

    Stings like the devil tho'

    Other suggestion is mouth ulcer ointment.  

  6. go look at ur chemist for some oionment for this, also try salt water on it.

  7. My son got kicked in the face whilst playing football a few months ago and he put his teeth through his bottom lip.

    It was awful, blood everywhere, quite a nasty looking wound.

    Think the white wound you're talking about might just be dead skin round the sore bit.

    Lips have a great blood supply, which means they heal fast... also means wounds to them originally look worse than they are!

    My lad's burst lip took a week or so to heal fully, we just kept it clean with lukewarm water and popped ice packs on his face if he felt sore.  

  8. Whatever you do, DO NOT put salt water on it. Salt water will dry the affected area out, and make it worse.

    The mouth is sterile- so no need to apply antiseptics. It's also one of the quickest healing parts of the body, so you'll just have to wait it out. Time's the best healer in this instance I'm afraid. :)

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