
How can I hook up Digital Cable to my Tivo?

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I want to hook up Tivo to my digital cable, but I don't have good luck with that little sensor thing.

Is there anyway around it? Or is that the only way to combine them? (I also want to have a line to my DVD player, too)




  1. Sabu, I see two possible questions here. One deals with connecting a video source to your TiVo, the other deals with how TiVo controls your cable box via "that little sensor thing". Let me attempt to answer both.


    If you want to hook up two devices to your TiVo (for example, to occasionally record a DVD onto your TiVo), you'll need to use an inexpensive A/V switch box. This will allow your TiVo's single set of A/V inputs to be connected to one of several devices.

    An alternative which doesn't require a switch box is to connect one device (e.g. cable box) to the TiVo's A/V inputs, and the other to the TiVo's RF In. You can then go to your TiVo's Messages & Settings > Settings > Video > Video Hookup screen to change the active input. I don;t recommend this cheapskate alternative, since it's time-consuming to redo the video setup every time you switch devices, and the video quality through RF is much lower than A/V. Get yourself a switch box and get the flexibility you need.


    There are two ways TiVo can control an external cable/satellite box: IR and serial. IR (infrared) uses the IR Blaster to make your cable box believe that someone is changing channels by using their remote control. Serial uses a cable, and is preferable if IR is giving you trouble -- but only available on certain cable box models.

    For IR:

    - It's a little-known fact that old Series1 models had a built-in IR emitter behind the dark "eye" in the middle of the front panel, and could change channels on an external box without the need for an IR blaster. If you have this old model, switching to IR Blaster use (described below) may improve reliability.

    - Series2 TiVos always require an IR Blaster for IR use. They have no built-in emitter.

    - Ensure the IR Blaster is correctly positioned, normally stuck to the top of the cable box with the little IR emitter sticking off the edge an inch or two, and aligned with the cable box's IR sensor. Use a flashlight to see the circuitry behind the dark window, and look for a squarish component.

    - In extreme cases, you may need to build a little tent to cover the IR Blaster and cable box's IR sensor, out of tin foil.

    For serial:

    - Check whether your cable box has a serial input in the back; if not, you have to use IR.

    - Use the serial cable originally included with your TiVo to connect the two.

    - Go to Messages & Settings > Settings > Channels > Channel Changing. Follow the screens to switch from IR to serial control.

  2. Hi Sabu ,

    Can you clarify "sensor thing" a little.


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