
How can I hook up my DVD player to my TV?

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I have a Quasar TV/VCR combo, and I just purchased a Memorex DVD player. The DVD player came with a cord that plugs into one hole for video and two holes for audio (left and right). The problem is, my Quasar TV only has one plug for audio. Should I only plug in the left or right, or is there something I can buy so I can plug both in?

Also, for the longest time I didn't have a remote for my Quasar TV because none would program to it. I finally found one that would, but I have no idea what to press to switch over to DVD. I programmed the remote to my new DVD player, but channel three won't switch it over to the dvd I have plugged in. My sister said I needed to change my auxiliary settings, but I don't know how to do that. What should I do?




  1. The Quasar is only Mono sound no you don't need both. Just leave one don't need anything special. Does the remote have an (input) or (source) button. If not the actual unit itself will. But then you have to get out of bed to change the source.

    Good luck.

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