
How can I housebreak and adult dog?

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I recently adopted an adult pomeranian (4 years old). The previous owners kept him outside and he went "potty" whenever he felt like it. Now we keep in inside most of the time and let him out if he wants to. The problem is he pees and poops inside even if the door is open! How do I teach him to go outside. Problem is we never catch him in the act, so we can't really tell him not to do it inside!




  1. My personal experience is with a 2nd timer doxie  who was 2 years old and named Wally. He had been abused and was in a very good rescue group in Idaho. He was so very timid and did submissive peeing and always tried to have the bm's in the saftey of the house. It took about 6-7 months to get him under control and then another 6 months to fine tune the process. Never yelling for the peeing over time seems to have been the best solution. The use of the house for bm's can still be a real source of contenion. Turns out he would hide it in strange and dark courners of the house, including under the bed once. I was lucky to be home with him and could put him quietly out several times a day and as I found mistakes, let him know quietly that was a mistake, took it outside and showed him it goes in the grass not the house."Outside" annouced firmly and clearly means- yes you are getting out of the fuzzy blanket and yes you are going outside...Fuzzy warm blankets are great bribes for doxies... Wally did not want to play and was afraid of the chihuahua and the aussie we have. He was totally submissive to them. We bought him his own bedding, toys and of course dishes. Other dogs not allowed to eat out of other guys dish until they walk away. Very firm rule. Over time he became more confident and a whole lot less submissive. He actually takes the bosse's(chihuahua) duck toy and squeaks it, from time to time. Which was a major thing for a little guy that weighed only 11 lbs and now weighs 19lbs and Vet says it is a good wieght for his frame...he was very thin when we got him. It takes a lot of constant one on one time to get the timing down to make sure he goes ouside. Making sure rain, snow or shine they go out after a meal, waking up or even a rough play time. Helps them retrain the habits. It won't be fixed overnight, but it can be fixed if you just keep at it. If those times I targreted aren't right for your pom then try setting a timer to take him out every 3-4 hours. Also take a treat with you, any successful peeing or bm outside, should be rewarded with food and praise, until they get the pattern you want....

  2. small dogs like pomeranians have small bladders so if you give him too much water and i recommend scubing your floor with a special clean u find at pet stores.. it will make ur dog pee less... and u should take him out every hour and stay out until he goes... good luck trust me it will work : D

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