
How can I ignore mean things people say??

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I just received an email from a friend of a friend who proceeded to chew me out for everything I did (or didn't) do for my friend and her wedding. This girl doesn't know me, and I feel like I should defend myself and correct all the completely false and negative things she said. But others that the girl doesn't even deserve a response and I should just ignore her. But how can I ignore something that hurt me so much? It is the meanest letter I have received and makes me want to cry just thinking about it. I'm 27 and haven't experienced this type of cruelty since high school, and it doesn't help that I'm naturally a people-pleasing person (which I know is impossible at times). So any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!




  1. what i do im in middle school is i insult them back with a large number of curse words and you could just tell her to shut the **** up talkin **** she doesnt even know you so where does she get off on insulting you

  2. Forget that witch. Your people are right; she doesn't deserve a response because she's hating on you. It's also cowardly of her to confront you via email. Anybody can talk smack in a letter from a safe distance...she didn't even have the decency to be a woman about it and confront you face to face, or at least over the phone. Plus she doesn't even know you?! Don't waste your energy on her.

    Instead, talk directly to your newly married friend about it, in private. Find out if SHE feels that way and work it out from there. You don't even have to mention the trifling girl's email..just ask her if there's anything bothering her about how the wedding plans went or if she feels you should have helped more, etc. Maybe the trifling typist got her notions because she spoke to your friend and felt the need to speak on her behalf. Hopefully that isn't the case but you never know...maybe your friend was stressed and venting at the time. Forget the evil emailer. She's unimportant. If you still feel the need to respond, tell her get a life because most decent people don't go around chewing out total strangers, and then block her email so you don't have to deal with her wasting your time or ruining your day. The important thing to remember is that this is the exact 3rd party BS that leads to misunderstandings, resentment and estranged relationships. Talk to your friend...unless you made promises you didn't intend on keeping as far as the wedding was concerned, there's no reason for her to feel the same way as this trifling broad!

  3. The best thing that you can do about this is.....ignore it. As you said, this girl doesn't know how will she possibly know why you did the things you did for your friend?!? You will only waste your time if you keep thinking about it, and also your energy if you try to clarify things to a person of no importance to you.  So trash the email and chill.

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