
How can I iimpress my football coach?

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im 13 and i play rb myy coach latley has beenn getting on me about random stuff thatas not my fault how can i impress him with lik sucking up to him?




  1. just do your best and dont play around during practice.

  2. Im 16 and play football to but dont get in trouble you know why i know that this might sound like what everone says but its true just show up for practice and give 110% all the time if he is coming after you for being  a p***y and not playing if you twist your knee or something shake it off and jump back in there.if you show him that you want to play and and try you will most likley be one of his favorites as long as he is not a *** hole

  3. I suggest running everywhere at practice.  Run to the water jugs, run to the next drill, run onto the field, run off the field....etc.  I used to do that and the coaches love it.  It shows a strong work ethic and a desire to play without blatantly sucking up.

  4. Get the job done.  Execute.  Work you hardest on every drill and every exercise, and HIT like a runaway truck.  That's what matters.  That's what every coach wants out of his players.  Just do it.

  5. Football is a game proven on the field. Sucking up to him will not work. Coaches are more keen to that kind of stuff and won't stand for it. Continue to work and try your hardest on the field where it counts and study the playbook. Also, coaches love the little things like blocking and pass protection. If you even improve those facets, it'll keep you more on the field and in more plays.

    A best example of this was at USC when Herschel Dennis started an entire year in front of future Heisman winner Reggie Bush and NFL star Lendale White. Pete Carroll and NOrm Chow loved the way Dennis' hard work and his ability to block and pass protect. Chow thought his pass protection skills are what lead him to become the starter.  

  6. The fact your coach has been getting on you is a good sign. That means he is trying to help you become a better player. You should be worried when he stops correcting your mistakes because that is when he has given up on you. Just make sure you're paying attention and giving 100% and you should be fine.

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