
How can I imporove speed and stamina for sparring?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so I took all the advice I got from my last question and it completely helped me today while sparring. I took a nice clean reverse punch to the face and a follow up hook kick. Frankly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I managed to live. It might take some time trying to get rid of the fear getting hit, but I am getting there. And I feel great sparring again after spending a few weeks making excuses so I didn't have to.

Sure, I still got beat up pretty badly. But it wasn't that bad. The thing is, as a blue belt I'm the lowest ranking student in my advance class. And I had to unfortunately spar the highest ranking person (brown belt a test away from turning black.) He was a little shorter than me and I can take his hits. The thing was, he kept moving around everywhere and it completely tired me out trying to get a good hit.

I was wondering if anyone had tips on improving my stamina and getting faster.




  1. Train more. How do you train to take a punch? You take a lot of punches. You must do a lot of foot work to get better at foot work. My Muay Thai coach made us run on the balls of our feet to improve our movement, stamina, and calf muscles. Focus on your foot work while shadow boxing and try to do as much as possible on the balls of your feet. Never let your heels touch the ground! Watch how Anderson Silva moves around the octagon. He has some of the best foot work in the business. Practice foot work like a fiend and the speed and stamina will derive naturally.

  2. What you can do is if you have skipping rope use it and do lots and lots of skipping. i mean skip rounds every other day. This will increase your stamina and form your body nicely. Also do alot of running do swimming if possable. But when running not only run but sprint so you can traing in your dashing speed when your opponent is backing away from you. And also when running use a mouth guard so you are use to being out of breath with the mouthguard it will help you control your breathing when in the ring.

  3. keep training and if you opponent is running aorund you a lot then let them run around you just turn on the spot just because they move a lot doesnt me you have to. also dont waste energy just throwing attacks you should wait for an opening and strike as soon as you see it. just fight efficiently dont waste any energy unless you have a clear shot.

  4. what i'm about to say might offend you but please do not take it offensive

    you need to train more or you are just plain not cut out for martial arts if you are a true martial artist you would not be worried about this situation I am almost positive you know how to improve stamina and your speed you just want people to be aware of the situation you are going threw. you need to train yourself to your peak push your self to your limits on every sparring occasion and if you get beat learn from it and train yourself not to make the same mistake again and if you do then take it as a sign saying i need to train harder.

    sorry if i offended you just constructive criticism  

  5. Here is the best and cheapest way to go (Ankle and Wrist weights) you can get them at any walmart or local fitness store. you can also get them in a neoprene material and thats alot more comfy and fit alot snugger. just wear them in your regular work out and even during the day walking around the house and then right before you spar take them off. You wont believe the speed you'll gain. As for stamina there is only one way to build that and that TIME, the more and the harder you work out the more stamina you will build. and the weights Im talking about are only about $10.00 try them for a little while cant do anything but help.  

  6. Road work (jogging) every day.

    Daily workouts on a heavy bag and a speed bag.

    That will do the trick. Best wishes!

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