
How can I improve as a point guard on my middle school team although I'm only 5 feet?

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Our girls school team is composed of seventh and eighth graders. i made the team as a seventh grader and this year my coach guaranteed me the starting point guard position. problem is, I'm 5 feet. How can I improve as a player despite my height? I am quick, a passer first shooter second, and my jump shots aren't a problem. But because of my height, I have problems with seeing the court which leads me to becoming panicky and causing a turnover.




  1. Practice on your shooting and dribbling. You just need to pass the ball and shoot when you're open as a PG.

    Good Luck!

  2. You actualy have a advantage because you should be quick and a very good ball handler and its good that your a pass first point guard because as a point guard its ur job..i thnik you need to be patient since there is no shot clock and dont rush things just go with it..maybe you need to work on confidence to..because you might be worried about turning the ball over

    heres some confidence tips

    heres a video (if you need confidence)

    dont worry about your height..just play and dont think about it

    and if you are pressured over it just remember the more pressure you have the more pressure you can break.....good luck

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