
How can I improve my Front Walkovers?

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Okay, I can do one but, I need to land on one foot then bring myself up, but, I can't. Is there anything I can do that can help me bring myself up on one leg? Because its' really hard. Any exercises? Or anything? This can really help me! Thanks! I appreciate it




  1. it hard to get and hard to figure out but keep practicing and eventually u will figure it out. i dont know how to explain it, but thats how i learned.

  2. First off, I actually don't recommend going on a trampoline.  This is a skill of balance and a trampoline will make you unsteady.  Seconldy, how is your front limber.  I'm assuming you can stand up pretty easily our of that.  If you are still having a difficult time with your front limber, work that a little longer because the two skills are very very similar.

    The problem I usually see girls have with front walkovers (and I'm sure your coaches have said this) is bringing your arms and head forward too soon.  As you stand up, you want your hips and bellybutton to be the first things to go up. If you pull your arms forward first, you will probably fall backward onto your bum.

    The other big thing I see is when girls fall forward to their knees while trying to stand.  If this is your problem, do a few front limbers where you are really focused on locking your knees immediatly after your hands leave the ground.  Leaving your knees bent to long on the standup is what causes you to fall forward.  After you feel you've really got this feeling/technique down it really is EXACTLY the same except on one leg.  From your bridge, push off your hands and stand on a strong leg as you try to lock it as soon as possilbe. Keep your head and arms back and with your chest open.  Hope this helps.

  3. I have mine now alright a couple practice on the trampoline a lot. spilt your legs against the wall and in a front walkover and hand stand. ... email me if you want the rest!

  4. slow practice to get them down then repetition to perfect them.......

  5. i am a gymnast and try running to it on floor or on vault bring ur cheast up.. go on the wall and put 1 leg on the wall and bend backwards and and land and go forward and land.

    or do front libers.

  6. ok relax. You might want a spotter! ALWAYS HAVE A SPOTTER. NO MATTER HOW OLD U R!! OK? ok now dont practice a handstand. that jus keeps your leg together. You may want to take some classes also. What you can do is have one leg out and your hands up high. Then hands down and flip over with your foot back. Here's a video of a front walkover and some extra tips. Hope i helped! : ]

    Front walkover:

  7. trampoline and u DONT have to have a spotter if u know how 2 do it

  8. You need to have very good uperbody strenght. You need to have good stomach muscles and your arms need to be strong. have some one spot you going down a small incline that help pushing your self up and landing

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