
How can I improve my balance for Iceskating?

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I have started iceskating and I enjoy it but I have really bad balance how can I improve my balance?





  2. balance comes with lots and lots of time and practice. Put your arms out to either side of you and if you feel like you're going to fall, touch your knees. It sounds stupid but i swear it works and I have the 11 years of expieriance to prove it.

  3. i think ballet and just practicing alot

  4. Use a balance trainer like an Indo Board

  5. When you first start skating it is hard to get used to improving your balance. I think I had it really easy because I used to do ballet which also improves your balance. I guess that you could take a couple classes for ballet, but if ballet isn't your thing, try standing on your bed with one foot off the ground. Also try to straighten your ankles when you skate. It is easier to keep your balance if you have straight ankles. You could also streach your arms out kind of like a bird. When you skate, your arms will help you balance a little bit. Also, if you fall from loosing your balance, don't just get up and get off the ice, get up and get going again. Practice stroking and forward and backward crossovers and spirals.

    Good Luck With Balancing!

  6. Do you own your own skates? If you do, wear your skates, and put your arms straight up like a t, then lift your leg for 30 seconds and hold it there. After you master that, Do it again, except close your eyes this time. Also, try stretching and deep breathes.Good  Luck!

  7. i really dont what to say but when my father taught how to skate he put a chair in front of me for balance and let me go free on my feet

  8. -hold your arms out to the sides while skating

    -walk around the house with your skates (with blade guards on of course)

    - ballet or gymnastics helped me get more balance

    - even doing yoga at home will help. (i do this)

    - just keep practicing .. the more you skate the more you will get better at it

    it will come to you  ... its like riding a bike =]

    just as long as youre enjoying it ... nothing will stop you from excelling =]

  9. Balance- a key part to any figure skating move. Now- it can be very easy to practice and improve your balance. Here are a few options...

    Balancing On One Foot- Whenever you are bored, try standing on one foot (arms out and streched) and see how long you can. This can also be called a "flamingo" because of the position your body is in.

    Balancing Beam/Gymnastics- Gymnastics and cheer has really improved my balance when skating. I did gym for about 3 years and it has made all the difference. Balance beams really helped me because I did it on a regular basis.

    Ballet- This is one of the most helpful ways to improve balance. Coaches actually recomend doing it if you are in competitions (As I am) or doing hardcore skating.

    I hope I helped! Please, feel free to email me with any questions you have regarding figure skating. Good luck!

  10. Try stomping/marching instead of gliding. And as you get better gradually go to gliding and freely skating. Good Luck.

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