
How can I improve my breaststroke?

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Im 4 secs away from tricounty. Im pretty fast but i need some pointers that will make me go even faster so i can qualify for tricounty. Any tips?




  1. ok i am on the swim team but i am not a in tri county sorry but here are some pointers practcie alot. During swim practice wear a drag suit (a lose swim suits over anothe swimsuit) it helps slows u down andmake u work ur arms so when you take it off for meet u will be stronger. t strecth out alot and three just move

  2. omg, im in tricounty 2! no way

    anyways, i just qualified for breaststroke


    ok, tips,

    umm, first of all, go long in underwater work,

    stretch out a lot, if its a 50, if a 25 sprint

    make ur turn fast, bit of advice, my friend told me this and i dropped time, on ur turn,

    put one hand on the ledge, ( but make sure to touch ur hands at the same time) so u don't have to lift urself up (if ur doing a 50, this is all advice for 50)

    kick very narrow

    scoop water

    don't bob head

    and keep your back horizontal

    good luck :)

    question- in tricounty do u mean south jersey

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