
How can I improve my catching rate?

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I am 15 and play RB... Out of 10 passes thrown at me, I catch maximum 4, while my teammates rarely fail to catch one... How do they do it?




  1. It is hard to answer the question without actually seeing you run routes, some of the common mistakes are catching the ball in the chest, having your hands in the wring spots depending on where the ball is thrown.  One drill I can suggest would be catching a ball or over a obsticale to force you to use your hands.  I would also speak to your coach and see if they can assist you or direct you to a resource

  2. its all in the hands...i play linebacker but i can still catch anythin thrown

    dont catch the ball with your body...catch it with your hands mainly your fingers since relyin on your palms can be decievin from time to time (the ball will bounce off your palms)

    go to nd search for the Cutters GreatCatch it helps out with catchin the ball with your fingers its bout $15 but helpful

    oh nd also focus on catchin the ball before anythin like turnin up field or tryin to avoid defenders

  3. Hands work on your hands catching the ball not your body also remember to look the ball in when it's thrown to you

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