
How can I improve my concentration whilst driving.

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I have my driving test on the 30th of august, and 4 lessons booked between now and the test but I keep losing my concentration during my lessons and doing silly things like leaving my indicators on and stuff like that. If I fail my test it will be because of something stupid like that.

Does anyone know of any ways of improving your alertness and concentration?




  1. The thought of getting into an accident or killing a pedestrian should keep you focused.  Perhaps you are not ready to be tested for a driver's license.  Driving is a privilege.

  2. Yeah, you start to realize the seriousness of what you are doing. Propelling two to four tons of metal, plastic, and glass down the road at speeds up to 75mph and greater. This is not a video game. You will kill or injure yourself (or others) in a short period of time if you are inattentive to the danger that is all around you when you operate a vehicle. Most young people have problems because they don't have any idea of the physical consequences of making a mistake while driving. Therefore they die, kill, or get injured a lot.

  3. This is one of the goofy things about driving.  If it is so easy, why is it so hard?  One of the toughest things to do while behind the wheel is to stay awake. And that is because driving is boring - very boring.  The manufacturers put a stereo radio and fancy instrument panels and GPS on board to help us keep our eyes and ears open.  Then they put in comfortable seating with air conditioning and along with the thrum of the road and engine, the combination is hypnotic.  We're stuck in that seat til we reach our destination.  And with nothing really to do except watch the road, the mind can become numb and thoughts tend to wander.

    This is where that discipline and focus come in.  I have to will myself to pay attention to what I am doing or I am going to die or kill somebody else.  Driving only takes 5-10 pct physical effort, but it demands 100 pct mental focus.  Look at what you have to do to operate the vehicle and then pay attention to your instructor.  You can do this.

    All the best.

  4. Gently and quietly Breathe through your nose and back out through your mouth.

    Shake your shoulders to release tension.

    Take time to privately relax, meditate, or pray. Great peace comes through purposely focusing on quieting one's being without worrying about distractions of the world.

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