My dad is a taxi driver and he will probably have to do for the rest of his life, every woman he's ever loved hurt him really badly (especially my mother), he doesn't have a love interest and nor does he want one (I wanted him to find another partner but he says he's too tired for one), he's barely surviving financially.. well actually he's not surviving, and I think he's depressed.. well I would be too. I really have no idea how to help him.
He's been divorced from my mother for.. ooh 4 years now. He works 12 hours 6 days a week, he's actually quite unwell, my gosh the medication he has to take.. it's amazing he could open a pharmacy. And he's financially drowning, my mother dumped all the mortage payments and whatnot on him in the divorce, so dad paid for everything and she got a free house =_=. But he's "got us kids" but that's not enough for a happy life. Infact I personally would think the opposite - too much stress and pressure.