
How can I improve my dream memory?

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How can I improve my dream memory?




  1. Before you fall asleep, remind yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Keep a paper and pen or tape-recorder by your bedside. As you awaken, try to move as little as possible and try not to think right away about your upcoming day. Write down all of your dreams and images, as they can fade quickly if not recorded. Any distractions will cause the memory of your dream to fade. If you can't remember a full dream, record the last thing that was on your mind before awakening, even if you have only a vague memory of it.


    if you click on the side bar to dream recall it will help you.

    if you're to lazy:

    it sounds silly but telling yourself to remember your dreams before you go to sleep will help. Then thinking obsessively about it as you fall asleep, and also waking yourself up doring your REM cycle (roughly 4 a.m) when the dream is still in your mind, and recording this all can really help.

  3. -start wrighting dreams down when you first wake up

    -tell yourself before you go to sleep you will remember the dream

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