
How can I improve my english grammar in writing and speaking?

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I am a spanish speaker but some people on this forums of yahoo answer.. have told me they don't understand my questions, I don't know why but my question is how can I improve my english grammar? I am a mexican student and I live in a small city on the south of mexico.websites or advice? please someone help me, cause I have read many english books, but people here have told me that my grammar is bad.. sometimes I feel confused about how to put words in order and the pronunciation..I am student for being an english teacher in my country mex




  1. To be honest, I improve my english through reading story books, but a dictionary with thesaurus helps too..

    When reading a book, don't just read for the sake of finishing a book, but understands every single word that the author used to describe something..

    You can't be in a rush when learning something but I'm sure you'll improve.. Just dont degrade yourself

    And try to find story books that is a little bit higher standard sometimes and do have, if not buy a dictionary, both factors improve a person's not only words but in a speech..

  2. The best way is to read books. Not the internet, not magazine articles, but published books. Keep reading the books, and your grammar will get better and more natural.

    People born in USA speak and write with different levels of correctness. People who read speak and especially write better than people who do not.

  3. Try to think in English and not in Spanish any time you are speaking or writing in english.

    Read books, magazines, newspapers in english or simply read them on the internet and eventually you'll become more proficient in english.

    You can find books to download:

    Study help on english grammar and writing:

    The New Yorker magazine site:

    Yahoo news:

  4. Make sentences as simple as possible.

    You don't seem too hard to understand.

  5. What you have written has very few mistakes. (In the last sentence, it should be "I am a student...") And there is not a single misspelled word, which is a real problem for many native English speakers as well as English learners.

    Practice makes perfect.  Good luck!

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