
How can I improve my low SAT score of 1600????

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I'm going to be a senior this August and recently took the SAT for the first time on June 7 and recently got my scores.I didn't study at all and I ended up getting an average score

Critical Reading 550

Math 470

Writing 580

Multiple Choice 53 (score range: 20-80)

Essay 10 (score range: 2-12)

Basically these are my scores and I really want to know how can I improve them cause these scores suck. I have a reasonable GPA of a 3.55 unweighted and a 4.304 weighted, but without good SAT scores, I don't think I'm getting into college!!!




  1. I am an expert in this field, for I actually improved my SAT score. I found that extra tutoring and listening in lessons helped. You said you didn't study at all, therefore maybe that is why you didn't do so well! Revision is the new drug.

    Hope this helps you a lot

    Lots of love,

    x*x Estelle x*x

  2. Okay  can I just say that 1500 is average for the SAT's and dont listen to the D-bag below me, with all due respect to him.

    You should study over the summer, Learn more vocab, and get one of the study guides. Barron's flash cards helped improve my score by 200. But you really have to be dedicated to it and learn everday. Just a half hopur a day coudl get you en extra 300 points.

    It is true that College depend on SAT scores for alot. It weights you not just within yoru own school, but nationally and this is why tyhey're so important. Just psuh yourself for gain those couple hundred extra points. With that you can probabaly get into a 2nd teir school, atleast. Good lcuk.

  3. oh.....u should take classes or study....gud luk

  4. Those are ridiculously bad scores.

    You're going to be taking orders at McDonald's in  a short while.

    College? Please. Can you even tie your shoe laces?

  5. Your SAT score is  above the average score of about 1500, so don't fret too much. You can increase your score if you study with a book. I recommend Princeton Review and Tutorfox new SAT guide,

    With both books I improved my score from 1660 to 2120 in only 2 months of summer. Good luck, and let me know if you need any more help.

  6. study more.

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