
How can I improve my marching technique?

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This is my first year in marching band, marching second trumpet, and I was really wondering what I can do to make marching easier and improve my dynamics, breathing, and sound, because I want to make a really good impression my first week.




  1. You can practice your marching with your fellow mates. You guys can practice your marching using timing to guide which foot you should start out first... The timing can be left...left... left... right.. (for the legs) then the hands shall be the opposite way... You can carry the instruments while marching as practices... Just like the quote says 'Practice makes perfect'... So, give it a try :))

  2. i know this might sound weird, but maybe something like Jazzercise. It's dancing/exercise, so really gets you moving strongly, but to a rhythm.

    Listen to pieces of music with a clear 2/4 rhythm, like one of those Strauss marches (they're played all the time) or even pop music. 2/4 is ONE two ONE two ONE two, like a march.

    Pratice marching and playing and breathing. Try and work out where you should take breaths - when it is comfortable, and makes the most sense. You don't want to play half a note then go *gasps!!!*. Good luck!

  3. for the technique, keep your toes up on the forward march and roll from the heel to the toes. try not to wobble side to side or bounce up and down. the rolling should be more of a glide. for the backwards march, stay on the balls of your feet and barely lift it when marching backwards. you should still feel the grass underneath or be about an inch or less away from the pavement. for both forwards and backwards marching, find your center of balance. it helps if you lean forward but not too much. also, never bend your knees. it's straight leg for both. it might be different at your high school but that's how it is for mine.

    the rest is more of conditioning. i would run as much as i can until camp starts. it also helps with endurance.

    if you're working with your trumpet, play long tones, lip-slurs, and look up some chorales.

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