
How can I improve my psychic ability fast?

by Guest60601  |  earlier

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I have taken many psychic tests and my ability is below average.

Ocassionally, I get a feeling or even a vision.

My mother has psychic dreams and I might have them too, but I have trouble remembering them.

i would just like to live life to the best with my psychic ability.

I have also tried to see aura and failed, any advice?




  1. You can't. You don't have any psychic abilities and, truth be told, neither does anyone else.

  2. Are you familiar with the chakras?

    They are these energy points in your body -- major ones. The sixth one is your middle eye , associated with Indigo. The Middle Eye is associated with clairevoyance and spirituality, but be sure to open the other chakras before this one. You know they're open when you feel a tingling sensation. With the third eye, it's a nice tingling sensation between your eyebrows - I have it almost all of the time.

    Look them up.

    Another way is to write down your dreams, that will help you remember them -- it's worked for me. Besides, if yo uare a writer, some dreams can come out of inspiration -- I know mine have.

    For auras, an exercise I learned is to just soften your gaze  , don't stare at anything in particular, stand against something white and face a mirror. This will not, however, come immideatly. I've only seen my aura once -- it was indigo/purplish.

    What helps me, dream wise (Especially lucid dreaming) is to go into really heavy meditation before going to sleep.

    And please, dealing with this comes with time and expierance, not "fast" or rapidity. This usually deals with self growth. So please, take your time.

    Edit: While not full blown psychic, I usually know who's calling the house (Don't have caller i.d or specific ringtones, and don't own a cell phone) and I usually feel the presence of my guardian angel and some saints.  Sometimes, I "know" things.

    Here's some links to help you

  3. As a physic myself I can tell there not magic solution to activate your physic abilities . Its a gift from God and you have to wait His time ; but pray every night and meditate every day ; it will help you to be patient and be closer to God

  4. you can't and you can hurt yourself doing it, just be normal

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