
How can I improve my sense of direction.?

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It's not just about reading maps. I do know my left from my right and I do have a very real and terrifying travelling phobia.(fear of getting lost) I need to overcome this, but how? My boss wants to set me challenges. I don't think this will help. Do I need to take the bull by the horns and risk a full blown panic attack when I am driving, or is there an alternative?




  1. take the bull by its horns wot have u got to loose...? every1 gets lost all u have to do get out and ask 4 direction.. is dat 2 difficult.  simple realy, life is simple..

  2. Get a guide dog

  3. Buy a sat nav system


  4. if your anything like me I have absolutely no idea which direction I am going in or have come from when driving, when I have a spare few pounds I am going to buy a sat nav, I bought one for my daughter when she went away to uni, and it is brilliant, she never gets lost despite its bad press....not

    what your boss would like to see but that would be me. Other than that fill up your tank with petrol and go! panic attack will have to be overcome, once your fear has gone of getting lost so wiill your panics..

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