
How can I improve my vocabulary?

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Any quick tips on a routine I might be able to follow in order to expand my vocabulary would be.... good. A routine besides mass reading. Thanks.




  1. get one of those word of the day calendars.

    oh, and listen to people more when they talk.

    or! get a job on the phone all the time.

    or...gasp!  read a book.

    sorry :(

  2. Reading,reading and reading over again.

    Use dictionaries in order to don not feel so lost.

  3. pick a few word out of the dictionary every week and practice using those words daily.and every week add more words.good luck

  4. sign up for one of those word a day things from or google. Make an effort to use the word of the day in a sentence that day-drop it into casual conversation, use it in a report...

    Also, do crossword puzzles, look at the word roots in words you're learning so you can recognize unfamiliar words, look at other strange words on the page when you're looking up something in the dictionary, and pay attention to talking and writing around you. Often, you'll notice new words more once you've learned them and can understand what they mean.

  5. i don't know any other way but you could talk to really smart people and say what does that mean a lot and then remember it. But a book that has a lot of vocab  is Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, an Breaking Dawn by Stephine Myer.

  6. Its' hard to find a better substitute than reading. There is an excellent book called "Thirty days to a more powerful vocabulary" By Funk and Lewis. It was the best reference I could find. "Verbal advantage" is also good. But the F&L book is a jewel.

  7. I think if you go to your local book store they there are flashcards or books you can buy to improve your vocab. Most of them are designed with the SAT & ACT in mind.  

  8. Read Wuthering Heights with a dictionary in hand. It's been working  for me. Good luck.

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