
How can I improve myself, physically and mentally ???

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first here is a pic of me so you can tell me what I need to change physically... I know ppeeps will take a shot at the ginger hair so ok...

mentally... I feel so insecure with myself everyone calls me ugly and to be honest I know I am I just wish I could be pretty like megan fox or something :'(




  1. Honey you look really good--- OK really.

    Walk into a crowded room and look at the people in there straight in the eye you have nothing to feel sorry about.

    you are never in a million years ugly that is not on the agenda at all.

    Smile, laugh you will be everyones friend.

  2. i dont think ur ugly ur average i mean thats good u dont want to look like a plastic barbie doll why dont u go out with friends more socalize more go to fitness class or art class to build more cofindence in you

    go for a spa day witha mate then go for a drink start buying yourself clothes and acceries to GO OUT in maybe give yourself a new llook and anyway the red hair is fine thats u people shouldent judge u for that hope this advice helps

  3. play sports golf or any sport actually

  4. i think blonde hair would suit you so much....THIS IS WHAT ID DO IF I WAS YOU.....grow out my hair....add volumniser and dye it blonde...wear darker makeup and more eyeliner/mascara, but thats just what id do your allready really pretty.

  5. I Think You Should die Your Hair And Eyebrows A Darkish Brown. You Have Extremely Gorgeous eyes!! And Your Really Pretty. Just Don't Let Other People get To You, I Hate People That Call People Ugly When Their Either Themselves ugly Or Even Uglier. Just Have Confidence And act And Know You Look good And Your Confidence Will Show On Everyone.

  6. honestly, i looked at your picture and think you are very pretty.

    trust me, we're online, if i wanted to call you fugly i would.

    there's nothing wrong with your hair or anything else; i actually like the color. you arent too heavy or slight, you have beautiful skin, pretty eyes, i dont see what the problem is.

    mentally, the problem is obvious. you have low self-esteem and are worried about how others perceive you. you need to learn to care less about what others say. if people are mean enough and have such a big problem with you that they need to insult you, they are trying to make you feel bad and make others look at you in a negative light, so that they fee better about how others are seeing them.

    you dont have to look like a supermodel to be pretty, and you dont want to look like a copy of someone else either. then people would just call you a poser or something similar, instead of ugly.

    it sounds lame and cliche but embrace your differences and act confident even if you arent feeling that way, and eventually you will feel better.

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