I'm writing a history essay about the rise of Hitler. My introduction is below, can anyone make any improvements?
In January of 1933, Adolf Hitler was awarded the position of chancellor. This election into a position of power was the result differing situations over time and Hitler’s manipulation of them. Post WW1 German was a nation of great political, social and economic turmoil. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles left the country devastated economically due to reparations, socially due to article 231, the guilt clause and politically due to the introduction of a new democracy into an unstable society who did not wish it. This caused the following years to be fraught with extremism and violence; it was attacked on both sides. The three crises of 1923 are a clear example of this. The country experienced a brief recession between 1924 and 1929 due to the initiation of the Dawes Plan by foreign minister Stresemann. This prosperity was extinguished quickly after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and a great depression sunk over Germany. It was these circumstances along with n**i Party’s tactics which gave Hitler the chance to gain power.