
How can I in the USA locate someone in Germany?

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My Grandma has had a friends boy from Germany stay at her house in MI every other year from the time he could travel alone up until about 10 years ago, she lost contact with him, and she is getting old and would very much love to see him again, how can I search for him, I know his first and last name and thats about it, could someone please tell me how to locate him, my grandma would be sooo happy to see him again!

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help1




  1. i always look on myspace or facebook, alomst everyone has one of those

  2. If you just use the German phone book

    maybe that will already help. You don't need to specify a city; in this case, a nationwide search will be done, and if the name is not too common, you should be able to identify him within the search results.

    Enter the name "first name first", and also try abbreviations, like if his name is "Hans Schmidt", try this, but also "H. Schmidt" or only "Schmidt".

    If he has no phone book entry (you don't need to have one in Germany if you opt against it), however, then this won't help. But it's worth a try.



    Well, Sandy, anyone can do that, just by using the link I posted. (Wonder who gave me that thumb down?)



    I didn't thumb down Sally. Would be against my "thumbs policy".

  3. Do you know where he used to live? Maybe find

    his adress (or old adress) on an old letter of his

    and then call the German Auskunft (Info) and make

    them look for him or just send him a letter to the

    adress, if he moved the Post will find him and deliver

    the letter.

  4. A thumb up for Alwin --- his idea is mine.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  5. you know what town he is living in?  I could give you his phone number if its listed....

  6. Do you ahve any idea what city or town he was from? If so, you can see if there's any records of his trips. You might try contacting the German Consulate and go that way as well. Try this link:

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