
How can I increase lactation??

by  |  earlier

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I'm a proud breastfeeding convert. I didn't want to do it. My doctor convinced me to try. My son is a genius, and I fell in love with it. I was going to nurse for 6 wks, wean for 6 wks, then go back to work. Baby had other plans. I was on bedrest for 4 mo before he was born, so I didn't have 12 wks before returning to work. I decided to nurse and pump, aiming for 6 mo exclusively, then have him finished with breastfeeding by one year. I felt like I had issues w/lactation before...tried the tea and a drug. I'm not sure if it helped, but we were exclusive for 4 1/2 mo, used 1 bottle of formula ea day I worked after that until solids at about 5mo. He's 6 1/2 mo now, and I believe my milk production is starting to dwindle. Now that he's begun solids, I don't think I worry as much (which I thought was a problem earlier), but I am afraid I'll "run out of juice" before he (or I) am ready. Any advice?




  1. the more a baby is breastfeed the better chance to have more milk if you cannot have the baby do that for any reason use the breast-pump  you can take the pump with you anywhere and try it while you are on a break at work

  2. Just continue to pump. Your breast produce as much as he feeds. If he doesnt feed as often they will feel "empty" as often. Just pump as much as u can and you wont have to worry.

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