
How can I increase my chances of seeing a ghost or something paranormal?

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I have never seen anything paranormal although I am so interested in the topic. I'd love to see something like a ghost, although I don't want to get into anything evil, that's for sure.




  1. hang out with serious researchers on paranormal phenomenan   talk  to  the  psychics  yourself   talk  and  interview   the  abductees  yourself  nothing  like  first  hand  experience...go  to  the  haunted  houses   or  to  the  crop  circles..if you have free time  you  can  make  this  a  great  and  serious   hobby  look  how  popular  the  mothman prophecies  became...because  john keel a serious  researcher went  there  to  check it out  before  you know  it  he was  involved  too.

  2. I'd love to see one too.  I'm of the opinion there is no such thing as a paranormal place so much as there is a paranormal person.  What I mean is, you must first believe in the paranormal to see something paranormal.  There are a definite set of characteristics shared by many of those who report paranormal experiences.  This is described by Joe Nickel (a paranormal investigator) as a fantasy-prone personality.  (Not to be confused with the mental malady of the same name.  I don't know if this is Nickel's idea, but he's the one who introduced it to me.)  The more fantasy-prone characteristics you have, the more likely it is you will have a paranormal experience.

  3. LSD?

  4. I think it happens more often when you're alone. And if you're trying to prove it to someone it RARELY happens. St. Augustine , Fl. and places in Savannah , Ga. are supposed to be haunted You could go there and go on the tours.

  5. I'd like to see one just as much as you.When you're by yourself,it's more likely you'll see one in bed.Just waking up or just going to sleep.Kind of,it will actually be part of a dream.It will seem real to you.Another good way,that's a lot of fun.Go with a group to a Cemetery or old house.Get yourselves good and spooked with scary stories.Someone will think they see something.Maybe the house will creak.Sooner or later someone screams,you all start running.By the time you all get together you'll all be convinced you saw a ghost.Over time the tale will be retold and enhanced.A few of you may still believe you saw something years later.

  6. I have found that the best way to make contact for starters is to have a clear mind.  Go to an area whether it be a cemetery, old building or even your home.  Sit quietly and keep an open mind. Totally relax your mind and your body. Talk to the spirits and ask them to make themselves visible to you. Let them know that you mean them no harm and that you don't want them to harm you. For non-believers this may sound crazy but I've learned through the years that most of these non-believers have at one time or another experienced some type of paranormal activity.  We are taught as children that it is our imaginations.  As we believers get older we soon learn that it wasn't our imaginations!  You may not visibly see a "ghost" but remember to take your camera with you.  Before taking pictures ask permission to take a picture of them and always thank them when you are finished.  You might be surprised at what you get.  Good Luck and Happy Hunting!


  7. People automatically say a cemetery is a great place to go to to "see" ghosts. That's just silly! If ghosts of people did exist, and could come back to Earth, why haunt a place where they probably spent next to no time while living?

    I think that if you are really open to the experience, and want to believe, you could probably "see" ghosts anywhere. But I don't think it's probably ghosts of the dearly departed.

    Want to try more directly? Try a Ouija Board! forget psychics. Too much money for a person that could tell you anything.

  8. Yahoo Groups has a lot of paranormal investigation groups.  Find one that's local in your area and ask to join.  They'll keep you up to date on investigations and field trips.  Most likely, you're not going to actually see a ghost... but evidence of a ghost.

  9. All paranormal phenomena are fakery or self delusion. If you want to get into that, then be my guest.

    However, you would be better off cultivating a sense of skepticism towards all paranormal claims.

  10. I think that if you can place  yourself in a spooky type of environment, such as a really scary house, at night.

    And it would even be better that if thunderstorms in the area, etc.

    I would think that this would put your mind in "tune" to see a ghost, or at least tricking you into thinking that you did so.

    I mean, you probably see as many as the "ghosthunter" guys, etc.  They call every little shadow or homeless guy walking by a ghost.

    It is mainly how bad you want to believe.  I mean, you could have the TAPS ghost hunter guys evaluate a place and say it was haunted.  However, if you had some top notch scientists, with degrees in physics, etc. evaluate the same thing, do you think they would say it is ghost?  Ha.

    Some people tend to "see" ghosts more than others, most likely because they have visual hallucinations, etc.

    But put yourself in a really scary place, and your mind can play all kinds of tricks on you, and then maybe you will believe you saw a ghost, even if you didn't.

  11. Do you try to visit deep South in US where you can rent some very old mansion? You may find some haunted mansion in that area and you may rent it out for the night. Sleep there by your self and see what's happening.

    Traditionally, these mansions had slaves whose were killed in the mansion. These victims still go back....

  12. I think you've either got it or you haven't, I don't know that it's something that you can cultivate, and I'm not sure it's something you would want if you had it. I've had it since birth, as has my daughter and now her daughter. My Mother had the gift too, but I don't know what age she was when she realised it.

    I wish I could help you, but there seems to be no particular situation that promotes visitations. The only common element is that you are alway surprised, other than that the variables are endless. Some people seem to understand what is happening and maybe even control it. I'm not one of those people. Things "happen to me", and I have no control over any of it.

    There are a few nasties out there too, so steer clear of invoking thngs. It's safer to stick with the ones you just happen to stumble across.

    The things I've seen (sometimes in company) have included apparitions of animals, especially cats and a few dogs, people, one I saw twice was someone I knew (my late mother), the others were people I didn't know. There have been dark shadowy things that felt nasty, and a whispy white one that was plain weird. It goes on and on, I'm 50 now and like I said it's happened since birth.

    I don't expect to convince anyone, that's not what I'm setting out to do, I'm just sharing a few of my experiences with you because you seem so interested in the subject.

    I ran an Ogroup called Spooky Stuff on the Oprah Winfrey site for 5 years. They recently changed their formatting, so we moved the group to Yahoo. We're starting at the beginning again with a few original members and some new ones, anyone who is interested  and is prepared to be respectful is welcome to join us.

    Here's the link:


  13. you may be interested in them but maybe they are not interested in you. im hispanic and our culture is very superstious, and very spiritual. and a rule of thumb is to not bother them, and they wont bother you. dont get yourself into something, be careful ok?

  14. Leave reality!

  15. illegal drugs can do that

  16. you have probably already experienced spiritual activity. You mind has just shuffled it to the back and filed it away. As for increasing your chances, go find a group to join.

  17. Honestly, you need to stop thinking that you want to see a "ghost".  They don't come out on command or when you want them to.

    Google some places in your area that may have activity & visit them.  

    You also don't get to choose what type of spirit(good or bad), keep that in mind when you are looking.  You may run into an evil or upset spirit, that will turn the tables on you.  Please don't try to "Call" them out either.  There is a serious chance you may get hurt physically.  Lastly, don't go by yourself.  That is unsafe and foolish.  Always make sure you have someone with you.

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