
How can I increase sugar recovery in sugarcane.?

by Guest32554  |  earlier

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Preharvesting Techniques .




  1. The easy answer to your question is to do everything right.  Start with the varieties with the highest sugar content, plant and harvest at the best time, control insects and diseases, get the right amount of water on your cane (as much as in your control), and after harvest get the cane to the mill as fast as you can.  This sounds pretty simple, but any thing you mess up on will decrease the percentage sugar in your cane.

  2. For varieties that are not self trashing, you can manually trash it at an earlier stage (7-8 mos. old). Results in cleaner cane (less trash) at delivery, thereby resulting in an increase in sweetness. not counting the compost produced as additional nutrients.

    new varieties tops the list for good sugar recovery.

    For pre-harvesting, i guess delivering clean canes at the right ripe age (where sweetness is the same at the top, middle and bottom of the cane more or less).

    another thing is the closer you cut the cane to the ground, the sweeter it gets. You can add incentives for laborers for this. I think its a ton for every inch you leave in the field for every hectare.

    I hope this helps

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