
How can I increase the speed of my browser?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 3 Mb/second modem and use Internet Explorer with Windows Vista, and I regularly delete temporary internet files and cookies, but I must wait forever for internet pages to appear, especially within Yahoo Answers. Is there any software, or are there any settings that might end the interminable waits when surfing (i.e., moving between URLs)?




  1. try using safari

    for me its much faster than the rest of the browsers that i have used

    and it also looks nice

  2. With the release of mozilla firefox 3.0.1 it is now even faster. Best web browser out there

  3. I would recommend downloading Safari which happens to be the current fastest internet browser even compared to Internet 7, you could easily download it from And another contribution to your problem is to less delete the browsing history because separate memory were put out to save the websites you have visited,so next time loading the website will be quite faster. And make sure that your computer is connected to the internet by wire because that would also boost up your internet speed. If all this still doesn't solve this, then its probably your computer's processor is getting out of date and it happens to affect the performance of your PC.

    Please feel free to ask any more questions!

  4. Use the Opera browser. Set it so that the pages open without images. You will be amazed how fast it is, even with a slow connection.

  5. use firefox instead.

    i notice ie is a lot slower.

    try that.

  6. part of your problem is that you delete cookies which actually help the page load faster. As long as you have high speed (not dial-up) Google has a great web accelerator that will help your pages load faster, and it actually tells you how much time you're saving. Go to

  7. Try Opera as your browser instead. It has one of the fastest rendering engines around.

    Browser speed tests:

    Opera download page:

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