By Summer 2009 I'll be 15 years old though. I live in New Jersey too.. how the heck do I get to like Michagan for Junior Olympics? And I dont get how it works. You sign up as a team, or as an individual player? There are tryouts right? Anybody know where it will be in 2009, by the way? People say I'm really good and hopefully I get better if I make JV this year so I can get better. I really think I have a shot at something like that cause like I'm determined about the game til the score's 25, whether my team wins or not. I could say blah blah blah about what I can do, but I really want to know the information. and I'm trying not to say it in a cocky way, I just think something like that would be cool to do, and I deff would want to commit to doing it if its possible?