
How can I just start over again, have a new life?

by Guest66833  |  earlier

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Me and my bf broke up. I just want a new start, a fresh life. How can i do this? I need some ideas. I just want to start all over again






  1. Just a heads up, when you start a new fresh life, you go through some taking 3 steps forward, falling 2 steps backwards typa thing.

    You can:

    -move to a new city / country

    -find a new job

    -go back to school

    -volunteer (this helps a lot)

    -dedicate time to your spiritual /religious life (if any)

    -spend lots of time with your family and friends

    -exercise lots (yoga would make you feel pretty good)

    -travel and get a different perspective on how other people live their lives

    Be sure to set some goals for yourself.  List out the things you'd like to accomplish with this new life, and jot down how you can achieve these things.

    During this time, you'll be learning a lot about yourself and doing a lot of reflection on life, your friends and yourself.  Try to do things that encourage this.

    Good luck and take care!!

  2. Move if you can afford it. New place equals new life.

  3. First. Know there is a reason for everything! Second like yourself! Don't change because of one guy Be yourself there's someone for everyone!

    Accept the things you can not change. Have courage to change the things you can!

  4. completely take away memory of the bad if its your ex take away pics, gifts, and anything else met someone new!!! hope this helped!

  5. Change ur styles. Change ur appearance, do different thing, explore new places.

  6. move to another city, or even different state n just forget bout everything n everyone in ur "old" life.

  7. change your lifestyle

  8. try hanging out with new ppl. change ur look and stuff. just dont try to be someone ur not. if ur fake then u'll end up looking stupid and alone

  9. Just try to keep yourself busy, so that you don't really have time to think  about him? that's what I would do.

  10. Move away, start a new job, join a club/charity group, go back to school, change your entire look in some way, there's lots of ways.

  11. Move

    Change your entire look

    Heres a great one: YOu should list all your bad points and try to fix them

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