
How can I keep a remote viewer from stealing my password?

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How long before paranormal hackers steal all our bank accounts and government secrets? What can be done?




  1. get your brain upgraded to the new 128 bit encryption and use a good password, at least 28 characters long and always burn some sage when entering your password

  2. If remote viewers are what they claim to be and if one wants your password you probably can't keep one from stealing it

  3. You should change your password frequently even if I'm not looking.

  4. I have a BS in computer science, and I know ways to get peoples passwords for anything from bank accounts to yahoo accounts. I would challenge a remote viewer to a hack-off any day. Theres no way they could view that accurately.

    For the record, I am not a hacker, or cracker, and would never participate in real identy theft, nor financial theft of any kind, I am just very familiar with the methods.

  5. No need to worry. There are many misunderstandings about ESP in general and remote viewing in particular.  'Getting' numbers is one of them.  Remote viewing is what you might call a "descriptive" methodology.  A trained and practiced remote viewer can frequently describe and sketch a target quite accurately (contrary to what some people will tell you, this has often been done, and there is plenty of well-attested evidence for it).  But remote viewers can't "get" numbers or names.  In fact, I don't know of any legitimate remote viewers who even claim to be able to do those things -- that claim is usually applied to remote viewers by someone who doesn't actually know much about the subject.

    There is a very good neuroscience reason why RV'ers don't get numbers or names.  Like any other human perceptual process, the main impact of RV is localized in the RIGHT brain hemisphere.  But language (including names) and linear processes involving numbers and math is largely a LEFT brain hemisphere function.  Since most of the RV "work" is being done by the right-brain, the left-brain doesn't contribute much, but often does get in the way and confuses things (we call this "analytical overlay").   What all this boils down to is that even a really good remote viewer (and some who say they are, are not actually 'really good'!) might be able to describe or make sketches of your computer.   But he or she would not be able to get your password or anything else language- or number-related from you.  You're safe! (And sorry this answer is so lonnnnggggg!)

  6. using a firewall will prevent keyloggers from being installed... if you see * when you type something, so does the remote viewer.  If a remore viewer has admin rights above yours, then they can delete your password, and generate a new one, but not see it... but if they have admin rights, they should be honest enough to be good.

  7. This is what the CIA was trying to do all those years ago.  Think about it.  If the CIA project really worked they wouldn't have needed the Patriot Act.  So the Patriot Act is proof remote viewing can't be done.  I finally found the silver lining to that unconstitutional piece of legislation!  Yay!

  8. Fortunately,these super powered folks are also super honest and fair-minded.Otherwise none us plain folk would be safe.Our bank accounts,credit cards everything would be stolen."Deal or no deal" would go broke paying out millions to them.They'd just stick their beaks in those cases and clean up.If a psychic remote viewer ever goes bad.We are in deep trouble.

  9. Well, that would be the first evidence they have ever provided that they can actually do what they claim they can do.  So that would be pretty cool.  But since they haven't been able to demonstrate any actual abilities so far, I wouldn't be concerned.

  10. Remote viewers aren't always good-some do use their abilities to view things they shouldn't. I even read of one who was basically a supernatural stalker. As long as you don't type the password in a way they can see it, or keep the password saved so you don't have to type it after that, you should be fine.

  11. b4 you type in your passwords, just visualize a silver bubble completely surrounding you that is impervious to all things

    ( including remote viewers/ghosts/etc.)

    when your silver bubble surrounds you completely- blocking you from view of all near you- type in your password with confidence :)

    hope that helps

    also- the gov't has been doing RV for decades, and actually have ppl who can get numbers etc, but of course, that info isnt released to the general population.

  12. Chances are this isn't very likely. Remote viewing is a long-time practiced skill and not everyone can do it. The government is known for employing some of the top remote viewers, and it is more for military purposes. I sincerely do not think we have anything to worry about, and if you are concerned you can pick up a book on psychic self defense.

  13. I personally never heard of a paranormal stealing anyones password or hacking.

  14. You can't keep anyone from stealing a password or at least being able to hack into your system. Have you ever called technical support? Firewalls and security programs will prevent most amateurs from downloading viruses and hacking in to your system.

    There are many ways (old world like breaking into your house) and cutting edge technology like remote access to record your keystrokes.

    If you have sensitive information on your computer then you should comply with HIPPA guidelines for medical providers and keep that information stored on a computer that does not have internet access.

    Remote Viewing simply wouldn't be required to accomplish this.


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