I have Cablevision digital cable service in CT and analog tv's. I have 1 rented cable box. The rest of my tv's are cable ready and have a direct hook-up with the cable. Until the last year or so, I had most of the channels on the direct hook up tvs. However, now the cable company is slowly converting our favorite channels (Speed, HGTV etc..) to digital they will no longer work come in on the tv's without the box. What a racket. I was told I would not have to get one of those converter boxes for the 2009 turnover because I have cable, but it seems I am losing all my channels anyway, on all but one tv.. I tried one of the new converter boxes, but they don't see to pick up a signalusing the cable input. Is there something I can buy to keep my channels on my other tv's? If I purchase a digital tv, will those channels come in?