
How can I keep from panicking over my issues?

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For example, I've come through a lot in the past few years, and have been diagnosed with Bipolar II and OCD. I'm actually grateful to be able to put names to it lol. But at the same time I panic whenever I start to take a step forward to better myself. Like with this memory-loss question I just asked. I got a great tip about a site to visit about how to stop the short-term-memory-loss and while I'm reading it, I start to panic. There's something ELSE wrong with me.

I've been feeling pretty good over the past few weeks and this panicky feeling is the same one I get when I'm about to go head-long into the depressive stage. Maybe it's just an association to it that's causing the depression/anxiety...? How should I handle this?




  1. Here are some tips:

    1. See a good doctor who can make reccomendations

    2. Put this in the mental health category

    3. See a therapist who can help you work out these things

    4. Keep busy! Volunteer, sports, etc.

    5. Pray/meditate

    6. Write

    7. Join a discussion group

    8. Figure yourself/ideas out more to gain confidence

    9. Live. Don't worry about your problems. Everyone has them. Just remember that it's just life. It's not a huge deal.

    10. Listen to music to air out feelings.

    11. Remember that you don't need other's acceptance, just your own and God's, who loves you no matter what.

  2. You could try a simple herbal remedy for this which has worked brilliantly for a friend of mine. It is called Valerian. Good luck. UK

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