
How can I keep gaining muscles!?

by Guest57974  |  earlier

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Hi.. I already asked this a while ago but I didn't add enough details...

I'm 6'0ft 172lbs... and I feel like I stopped gaining muscles. I bench about 110 and my back can lift 200lbs. I gained about 40 lbs the last year (part muscles and fat). Right now I feel like I

stopped gaining muscle mass. Help me please. I really wanna gain extra 10-15 lean muscles(Hopefully in my chest and shoulders) before defining it.. Thank you




  1. 1. Eat 3-4 bananas with 1 glass of milk daily you will gain weight with good muscles.  

    2. Daily exercise for 1-2 hours

    Try it for 1 month and you will see good results.

  2. From what I read I believe you're in a plateau with your weight-training. I suggest that you do "Periodization" whereby you go through stages of varying intensities of exercises over a period of time.

    Traditional Periodization


    Weeks    1-4    5-8    9-12    13-16

    Reps       10       5       3          2

    Sets         5        3       3          3

    Hope this helps :)

  3. kim.... take it you are a girl

    well u might want to take it easy for a few months by working out less and also keep changing your workouts... then go back to intensive training and you will be the back in the game

  4. Ok here is your answer. First of all don't listen to anyone who posted here. They have no idea what they are talking about. If you are benching 110 then you have still yet to even develope muscle mass. Which means none of your muscle is even trained. So it can't grow and get stronger.

    First and foremost is you need to develope muscle control. Only way to do this is practice flexing them. Stand infront of a mirror and start posing. You need perfect control of your muscles in order for them to develope and grow.

    Second of is training. You need to be lifting weights 6 days a week. You need to work every muscle TWICE per week. So you need to be bench pressing on mondays and thursdays. These are my days anyways. Do not start eating protien supplements or anything of the sort. Do not change your diet till have 2 months of muscle training. You arent trying to get bigger your trying to develope the muscles.

    In order for your muscles to grow they must be developed! I can't stress this enough. Here is a layout of what muscles to work on what days.

    Monday: chest and tris

    Tuesday: bis and abs

    wednesday: back and shoulders and legs

    thursday: chest and tris

    friday: bis and abs

    Saturday: back and shoulders and legs

    You also need to EAT. Gotta eat if you wanna get big"-. You need to be eating 15 calories per pound you weigh + another 500-1000. Feed the muscle. Your body is still growing and everything you eat does not turn into fat. The only time your body starts producing fat is when you starve yourself. Keep eating and instead of it building into fat it will be built into muscle or pooped out. Either way diet is completely unimportant at your age especially when trying to gain muscle mass.

    Summarizing all that. You need to workout constantly. Develope your muscles and eat alot. You will double your bench in 6 months.

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