
How can I keep my 2 yr old from playing rough with our new dog?

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I just recently adopted a 10 pound llhasa apso dog that is 2 years old. He is the sweetest dog in the world but my son who is 2 year and 4 months plays way to rough for a dog that size. He will kick him and try to pick him up by the neck. The dog is so sweet he just puts up with it and doesn't even bark at him, he will even stay in my son's room at night till he stops crying. How do I get my son from playing so rough with the sweet little dog? I'm worried he is going to hurt him




  1. I think your answer is in all of these answers.  Teach him, talk to him(Would you like for me to pick you up by the do you think that would feel?..allowing him to practice empathy), and as a last resort, punishment...maybe not allowing him to pick up the puppy at all until he's ready to learn how to hold him the right way.

    KIDS!! :)

    Good luck!  

  2. It's really important for him to learn to be gentle with animals before he would be hurt by either your dog or another dog.  Stop him every time and be consistent in saying, "No, be gentle with dog" and show him how to interact.  Then if he can't or if you can't watch him every minute, separate him and the dog during those times.

    Good luck on helping him learn!

  3. Put your son in the corner for a time out everytime he hurts the dog.

  4. Goodness, I don't know.  I assume you've held the dog and shown your son how to pet him gently?  I told my son that holding the hamster too tight would break his little bones and he'd be hurt and die, and when my son's lip started to quiver I decided he'd gotten the point.  

  5. I would take on this like anything else the child might do bad. Like throwing food, but before punishing make sure they know how bad their hurting the dog because at the young ages they don't comprehend the dog is hurting because like humans he's not making a noise like we do. So when your son does like say something "Ow...or that hurts the doggy." If that doesn't help then I would say short time outs, but do make sure they know how wrong it is. They probably see they dog like a toy. I babysit i three year old and she likes hanging on their collie. She though doesn't understand that that hurts the dog because the dog just takes it.

    Hope I helped :)

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