
How can I keep my desk oranized at school?

by  |  earlier

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At school, my desk can stay clean for about 2 hours then it gets just as messy as before. I don't even bother cleaning it anymore. Does anybody know any tricks for keeping it clean and organized??




  1. Only pull out what you're working on - put the other away.

    Use folders and ziplock bags to store loose items.

  2. I would say get a bigger desk. lol

  3. take some stuff home or on your free peroid start cleaning out folders with stuff you dont need any more and if the folders are getting packed bring some stuff home and if you have finals that you need that stuff for put all the papers in either a labeled binder or labeled shoeboxes

    good luck!

  4. what  you should do is to check your desk for anything that you don't need if your desk is full with needed stuff you should just order them by size.

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