
How can I keep my eyes from getting darker?

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^my eyes.

Yes I am obsessed with my eye color. I want them to keep the bright orange and amber look or the green but I don't want them to look brown. I read somewhere that lighter eyes are more apealing. I also read that your eyes can get darker in the sunlight, but I am in the marching band/color guard at my school and I am a tennis player so staying out of the sun isn't an option for me. Cosmetic contact lenses aren't very safe, and new iris color isn't safe and I don't think that they offer amber anyway.

Also would gold/bronze eyeliner bring out the amber or over power it?




  1. um your eyes sound really pretty , i bet that eyeliner would really work with it ..your pictures kinda small though hard to really tell

  2. my eyes are the same color[s] just a little brighter

    and if you want them to pop out

    purple is a really good color to use

  3. your hair is really pretty, and unfortunately we cant really see your eye color in the picture :P lol

    but to be honest there is no real way of changing your eye color

    you can go to a makeup store and ask them to give you some colors to bring out your eye color

    i hope i helped :) GOOD LUCK!

    btw, you do alot of things at school!

    oh k, i just saw the new picture!

    your eyes are awesome!

    simple black eyeliner would really bring them out

    but if you want to really play them up, like i said on top you should go to the makeup store

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