My family is falling apart. We used to be so happy, my older cousins would come and visit almost every week. Everyone was alive and full of energy. It was just amazing.
But then people started to die. Like my great grandmother, had some disease and died in pain. Then my grandmother died from cancer. My aunt died from a tumor because the doctors couldn't catch it in time. Really, the list goes on and on. I won't bore you though, don't worry. But then, my cousins got older, and started driving and going to college. So, they don't need the family anymore. My grandma (she basically raised me) has a horrible knee problem and needs a wheelchair, so I always have to be the one to take care of her.
This "family" is just barely holding on. I'm 14 and already have so much going on. I have school, a bf, taking care of g-ma, and it's just.. ah! I'm going crazy.
...Any ideas how to keep them all together?