
How can I keep my hair good when I've straightened it? It always 'poofs' up when I sweat.?

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like during dance class.

whenever i straighten my hair,

my ponytail will go from pin straight

to looking like a thick rat nest.

how can i keep it good?

should i just put it in a bun?

or braid it?

recommend some products, too please!




  1. just try to keep your hair off of your skin..

    if that makes sense.

    basically, when you have your ponytail, dont have it going all down your back, have it up high.

    having it in a bun would definetly help,

    if you have bangs, don't have them in your face.

    if everything is kept back, it should stay straight.

  2. Hair spray can help [I use my moms Pantene hairspray or my friends Herbel Essences hair spray, which is designed for straightened hair and smells super good] or pull the front part of your hair back into a half ponytail, letting the rest of your hair fall down under it. It gives you the full look, without the hair in your face where you'll sweat a lot :)

    Putting your hair in a bun usually hides most of the work you do straightening it, so I like to keep my hair down somehow the best I can. Braiding it would be really cute!

  3. you should also try umm blow drying it b/c it helps make it straigter i would recommend the jhon frieda collection as for straighting pruducts i would use bed hair straigtner

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