Could it be my OCD or the fact that people would always DEMAND an answer for my personal business, & out of threat & intimidation, I feel OBLIGATED to tell?
I can't even keep my own secrets. I can't even surprise anyone because of the SUDDEN urge to "confess". If I accidentally broke a vase @ a friend's house, I'd confess & admit that I did it, & people would call me stupid for it. Is confession a good thing? I feel the need to be honest about EVERYTHING.
& my brother always DEMANDS an answer for my personal business. He asked me what I spend my money on & how much money I have in the bank. & I feel submissive & feel anxiety, & I feel like I'm "obligated" to tell him, rather than assertively telling him, "That's none of your business." I fear what he might do next. & whether I tell him or not, he would go back & tell my mom any & EVERYTHING I tell him. I'm 24, & he's 34. But he can't even tell me what he ate for dinner last night. Either he ignores me, tells a lie about it, or yells @ me, curses me out, & makes a threat to call the cops.
My family is unusual & insane. They flip out over anything.
But anyway, with my anxiety, people say it impairs my judgment.