
How can I keep my preschool class age 4-5 interested,educated and busy?

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I am a new preschool teacher of 4 and 5 year olds. I am looking for fun activities to keep them busy and entertained. On the flip side it has only been a few days but they still tend to test me... How do I get the upper hand with out seeming so mean... Thanks for any advice... Danielle




  1. here are some tips for getting an upper hand:

    1) Be loving

    2) be stern when there is a need

    3) Be patient

    4) tell them lots of stories (kids just love them)

    5) Play with them like u are one of them

    6) teach them lots of songs

    7) encourage them to speak

    8) Give kids the time to think on their own.

    9) Encourage them to be independent

    Above all you need to let them know that you love them.

    Fun activities could be

    1) Colouring

    2) Helping them to draw new pictures

    3) Playing with building blocks

    4) Teach them the letters of the alphabet

    5) Sing rhymes

    6) Encourage them to do some fun activities like identifying difference between pictures, joining dots, matching pictures etc.

    7) Dance to the tune of songs

    8) playing outdoors

    9) telling them stories

    10) making something interesting like Colourful Table mats which they can use when they have food in school.

  2. PLay along... Just don't injure yourself or them. And also pretend you were their age, and play house with them, color. And best of all have them do fun projects. Like if your learning the alphabet, assign each of them a letter and have them form that letter with their bodies and then have them recite the alphabet in line. Or have them bring something that starts with a letter and then have them share it with the class. I know my brother whose 4 loves to do show and tell and he's always prepared a couple days in advance. Just have fun and don't hurt anyone and have them learn in the process. Also reward them with little prizes like stickers, being able to be the line leader. I'm sure you'll do fine!! Good luck!!

  3. Keeping young children busy, interested and providing them with an age appropriate education is not that difficult.  Follow a preschool program that is approved or look on the internet for preschool websites that have many preschool activites. Be creative, work hands on with the children, let them create, encourage language and math concepts throughout the preschool day, allow the children to express themselves through play in different centers that should be set up in the classroom.  Be patient, encourage independence and teach the children to talk out and solve their problems.  Hope this info is helpful.

  4. Get a routine going asap. Make it visual and stick to it as much as possible. That will create security and consistancy. Make clear behaviour expectations - talk about how we behave in this class, how we treat each other, how we speak to each other etc so that they are all very clear about what they can expect from you and from each other it makes things clear and simple. Setting boundaries means you can begin the fun. I dont agree with playing with kids like you are one of them because you are not you know it and they know it and they want a teacher not another kid. They need to know you know what to do and what is going on  - it makes them feel secure and that is very important for children of all ages.

    Get stuck into a project asap and get them really excited by it - you will probably find that you really geniunly get into it to and being genuine will be best for the kids and really inspire them. Get their words - their thoughts and ideas and pictures and work up on the walls very soon so that the room begins to feel like their space and you begin to have a learning history together.

    Remain firm and clear about what you expect and dont ever become the kid because you will loose their respect. Dont talk over the noise - wait for them to be showing they are listening - no talking, keeping still, looking your way. That way you will have a calm busy respectful classroom where the children are responding to your expectations within the clear boundaries you have and from there they can enjoy the fun learning you and they bring to the class.

    Good Luck - and just think this is what you worked for and now you are here doing it - congratulations and have fun!

  5. You've had some good answers.

    Are you using a curriculum?  That will help you plan your day.

    Themes tend to add meaning to the "teaching/learning".

    Routine, routine, routine... I agree with creating a visual.  The children love the ones that you make with a digital camera...and use their pictures.  I find that at the beginning of the year (or for you...the beginning of your year) going back to the visual at every transition helps a lot.  

    Not only discuss how to behavior and what is expected but discuss why!  Have the children help you create a "rule chart", add some fun pictures and display in a prominent spot.  Then when something does happen you can take that child to the rule chart and have them read it with you.

    Do you do centers in your classroom?  This is a big help for keeping children interested, educated, and busy!  However you must keep the materials circulating!  We changed out most centers every two weeks and the dramatic play once a month.  

    As for getting the upper hand... being firm but loving.  Maybe you would like to look into the Love and Logic approach.  There is some info on the internet that you can print off.  Learning and teaching the children basic sign language helps immensely!  

    Involve your aides!  They have great ideas and when their ideas are incorporated they feel better about themselves/their ability and it makes it feel more like "their" classroom and they tend to like to be there and that attitude rubs off on the children.

    Good luck.

  6. basically be nice...don't be really strict. if they want something you shoul give it to them....i should know...i'm in year 3 and i still remeber being 5 years

  7. If you have the voice for it, sing.

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