I have 3 girl rats, and when in the cage they seem bored. We take them out a ton, and we have toys and tubes and bedding and huts and treats for them. The toys include a plastic hanging rat with a bell that rings when they hit him, a jingly ball that is made of woven straw, and a coffee can that still has some scent. The tube is called a chube, they can chew it and crawl through it, and it has fluff inside of it that they can remove and use elsewhere for bedding, they have a straw hut to sleep in. Sometimes we also give them clean rags to lay in. Their cage is 3' high and 2' wide and has 3 levels not including the bottom which always has 3" of bedding for them to burrow in. Every week when we clean the cage we mix things around, moving toys and buying them new ones, but they still seem bored. So how can I keep my little girls from being bored?