
How can I keep the bedding for my guinea pig in the cage and off the floor??

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How can I keep the bedding for my guinea pig in the cage and off the floor??




  1. you can put something around the cage or you can buy something that goes around the guineapig's cage

  2. Don't use bedding at all... that's what I do. Instead, I use a few towels with fleece over top of them. It's much healthier for the piggies since they are prone to upper respiratory infections. I wash the towels and fleece every two days and you don't want to use fabric softener at all since this makes the towels less absorbent. there's an article.

    The only problem you'll have is with the hay... since guinea pigs need an unlimited supply of Timothy Hay to survive (I'm sure you already knew that though)... but it isn't too much of a problem over here and I have 4 piggies. The problem with hay getting all over the place is nothing compared to the bedding.

    Good luck and I hope I helped you!  

  3. You can cut Pieces of cardboard about 1 - 2 inches tall and as long and wide as your cage and stick the in between the cage bars and the tray on all four sides of the cage. Make sure that the cardboard has no ink on it because your guinea pig might try to chew it up and the ink can be harmful to them. You can also place an old rug or another piece of cardboard under the cage to protect the floor further.You will probably have to change the cardboard when cleaning the cage because your guinea pig will probably chew it. This worked with my hamsters. Hope I helped.

  4. i would put plastic around its cage.or buy an incubator that has a lid

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