
How can I kill these stupid bugs?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike is the story. I'm at war with the Japanese Red Fly army. They have invaded my kitchen at approximately 2:30 am Wenesday , July 19th. They have been increasing in number ever since. They where red uniforms. They fly very slow. They seem to have tooken an interest to all the food that I have been leaving on dirty dishes in my sink. I believe they came via my kitchen drain. I'm currently using the AK 43 roach spray, but it seems defenseless against the very manueverable red army, what can I use as an affective weapon? What should I use to spray them?




  1. Go on the offense-keep your kitchen spotless.  Wash those dishes right off, keep the counters clean and make sure all food is in containers.  If you keep leaving food around, you're probably going to get more bugs-like ants, fruit flies, etc.

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