
How can I know if I can trust an NGO charity in Colombia that works with street children?

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I'm particularly interested in doing fund-raising work for the "Open Arms Foundation." I'm wondering if anyone knows of them, or if anyone can give some criticism, positive or negative, of specific NGOs working with homeless children in Colombia. Any advice at all on researching charities without actually being able to visit the country would be a big help.




  1. I work with KidSave International [].

    I know for a fact that they are legitimate.

    Why don't you look at their web pages and see if this organization is one you'd like to help?


  2. The best advice would be to find out if they have a web site and if they are registred NGO. For this purposes you need to call local goverments to obtain this info.

    Also you might want to look for big ones like

    or check this ones out;

  3. Do a little bit of backgroung research first, call people, see with whom they work and so on. I've been scammed by one of these in Peru.

  4. calling, asking them to order  photography, asking for information and to ask for the web - site of the foundation and not ordering a lot of money in a beginning

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