
How can I know if my incision opened up? HELP!

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I had a c-section on the 30th and today it is really hurting me. I have a high pain tolerance I believe, so the first few days home I only took Motrin but now it hurts...on the inside. It hurts to walk and its sore to the touch. No where my incision is on the outside but when I touch other areas it hurts. Anyone ever re open themselves? What did it feel like? How can I be sure I did or didn't? Any advice on how to take care of myself?




  1. The incision heals from the inside out, which means that you can't see it healing until the last layer of stitches heals.  Is the area hot at all?  Is there any redness?  Check carefully in a mirror or get your partner to check.  How's your temperature?  Is there a change in your bleeding-heavier? different smell? I got a slight infection after my second c-section and needed antibiotics.

    Although it's probably nothing, there's no particular reason that you should have an increase in pain after 10 days-unless you're doing more.  So take a moment and analyze your day.  Have you been lifting or carrying, or anything else that you shouldn't be doing and that would strain you?  

    If not, and if after a good rest, your pain either is the same or increases I'd get it checked.  It's better to be safe!

    God bless you!

  2. You're taking percocet now, right? I think you're having normal post-operative pain. I took 2 Percocet every 5 hours for 2 weeks after the c-section so I would not feel any pain. My advice is to rest a little, do some walking to stay active without stressing yourself, and call your OB if you are worried.  

  3. Take it easy for the rest of the night. Don't do anything you don't HAVE to do. Take some Motrin and keep drinking a lot, etc. Have your husband help with the baby as much as he can. If you are still in this much pain tomorrow, call the doctor. I had some weird pains after my C-section, but nothing unmanageable at the incision site. (I had gallstones and so I may have blamed this kind of pain on that, so it might be normal). Anyway, good luck. Get some rest and talk to the doctor in the morning.  

  4. Trust me, you'll know if your incision opened up. What you need to do is take it easy. it hurts when you walk because you're doing too much too soon after a surgery. If you continue to do this you will get an infection or reopen that incision or both. I too had a c-section and I never took anything stronger than Motrin unless I wanted to sleep. When I walked around too much when I should have been resting, I got pains in near my incision and on the inside.

    When it opens there is a sharp pain. If it opens due to infection which I heard is a leading cause, then blood and puss will drain from the area. If there is not infection, there will still be blood. It hurts like crazy. If you want to be sure you didn't open your incision. Lay down in bed and have someone look down there for you. If you're alone, carefully position a mirror down there so that you can get a visual. Remember you just had surgery, a major surgery and your body is going to take a while to heal; longer than the 6 - 8 weeks doctors give. So relax, let your family cater to you and rest. Prop your feet up and take a load off.

    Be mindful that you will start to feel weird aches and pains as the incision starts to heal.

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