
How can I know more people live in Australia???

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I will go there at the end of the year and thus want to know some network, and realize the culture~You know, friends are much much more important than money.




  1. trust me, you'll make friends fast enough when you get here!

    I can't offer you my friendship i'm very sorry to say because i am in the least likely place a tourist would want to come!!

    I would suggest booking a bus trip, lots of people go on them and it's a really good way to socialize. As far as realising Australian culture I'd go for something aboriginal, after all that is the true Australian culture, head to alice springs if you can and check out ularu (ayers rock as it was known) if you want to be involved in new Australian culture I would get yourself some surfing lessons if your going to be near the beach, get some friends from the bus trip to have a bbq with you, sample Australian beers, find a good aussie pub (meet new people!!) buy yourself some thongs, go and check out sydney(bridge, opera house) stay at a backpackers (there'll be friends there!) go to the beach, learn to make all your words form one big long slur!!

    have heaps of fun!

  2. They are? well give me all your money then and I will be your friend. People throw the "Friend" word around to easily today, most people would be lucky if they have one friend, just because someone knows alot of people doesn;t mean they are your friends, most "Friends" turn out to be enemies, Give me money any day.

  3. Australia is a very multicultural country. You will meet so many different people. Just be yourself.

  4. ummm what? come to the gold coast ill show ya around.

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