
How can I learn Patience??

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How can I learn Patience??




  1. Patience is really difficult for LOTS of people to obtain, so don't worry if your lacking it. To be patient is to be calm and control anger and other moods. You can do this by dealing with stress.

    Get a stress ball to squeeze when your mad.

    Practice yoga, excerice and peace in one.

    Talk to people close to you about this problem of not being patient.

    Write stories/poems/ et c. as a way to release feelings.

    && when ever you want to practice patience, help out around the house or do charity work! =]

    I hope I helped!! =D

  2. The bible says through tribulation.  Nobody really wants to learn it like that though.

    I suggest you just remember to put yourself in the person's shoes you're dealing with and think twice before you speak or act.  When we personalize a situation and try to imagine the reaction we'd want if we were being responded to in exactly the same circumstances, we can can be very patient.

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